Innovation & Advancement in EMS

This is the eighth year of the EMS10 Innovators in EMS program, jointly sponsored by Physio-Control and JEMS. The program has a simple mission but a powerful objective: identify some of the best innovators in the EMS industry and alert the EMS community to their achievements to help providers and patients in the future.

The EMS10 innovators selection committee judged this year’s nominees on their hard work, dedication and selfless efforts in 2015 and selected the individuals or pairs they felt exhibited the innovations that can have the greatest impact on the future of EMS.

We profile each honoree in this special digital supplement to JEMS to not only inform and educate you on their innovative work in EMS, but also to encourage you to ride on the wave of their innovations, use them to better develop your EMS system, and inspire you and your colleagues to think outside the box, take some calculated risks and innovate in an area of EMS that you feel could make a difference for patients, EMS systems or your prehospital colleagues.

EMS 10 Christoph Redelsteiner

Christoph Redelsteiner, PhD, MSW, MS, EMT-P “¦ Recognized for leading educational reforms in Austria to broaden the role of emergency providers throughout the country.

Joshua Bobko, MD, FACEP “¦ Recognized for developing a First Care Provider program that trains civilians to provide emergency medical treatment during natural disasters and active shooter situations.

EMS 10 Ginny Renkiewicz and Sara Houston

Ginny Renkiewicz, MHS, EMT-P and Sara Houston, BS, NRP “¦ Recognized for fostering EMS research among North Carolina undergraduate students through their Foundation for Prehospital Medicine Research and annual research summit.

EMS 10 Bryan Burry

Bryan Burry, EMT-P “¦ Recognized for bringing cutting-edge medical sanitation technology to Canada through his company, Nano Defense Systems Inc.

EMS 10 Nnamdi Nwauwa

Nnamdi Nwauwa, EMT, CCEMTP, MBBS, MPH, MMSCEM “¦ Recognized for leading advocacy efforts and developing educational systems to establish a stable and functioning EMS system in Nigeria.

EMS 10 Robert Luckritz

Robert Luckritz, JD, NREMT-P “¦ Recognized for his leadership in implementing a volunteer-based First Responder program in Jersey City, N.J., enabling rapid emergency response throughout the city.

EMS 10 Dan Fellows

Dan Fellows “¦ Recognized for incorporating solar panels into his Richmond Ambulance Authority fleet to power their internal systems, increase fleet efficiency and reduce carbon emissions.

EMS 10 David Persse

David Persse, MD “¦ Recognized for developing ETHAN, a mobile, prehospital resource connecting EMS patients to off-site doctors via video call for responsive non-emergency treatment.

EMS 10 Shaughn Maxwell EMS 10 Richard Campbell

Shaughn Maxwell, EMT-P and Richard Campbell, MD “¦ Recognized for revising Washington state law to allow community paramedicine programs in their Snohomish County and throughout the state.

EMS 10 Doug Hooten

Doug Hooten, MBA “¦ Recognized for leading development of mobile-integrated healthcare, a prehospital response system designed to treat non-emergency patients by connecting them to community resources.

Infection Control for Emergency Responders

JEMS Editor-in-Chief Dr. Ted Lee speaks with Dr. Christine McGuire-Wolfe, director of Infection Control for Emergency Responders Collaborative and Training Hub.

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A 24-year-old Bronx man, Nick Costello, died in December 2023 after waiting nearly 20 minutes for an ambulance—despite multiple paramedic units being stationed less than…