Initial Telemedicine Partners include Four National Leaders: General Devices (GD), Hippo Health, Pulsara, and VSee
To support the growing movement toward incorporation of telemedicine into the Mobile Medical (Fire & EMS) workflow, particularly the value-based payment model effort called Emergency Triage, Treat, and Transport (ET3) from the federal Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services, Beyond Lucid Technologies (BLT) today announced the incorporation of a telemedicine dataset into the MEDIVIEW electronic patient care record (ePCR) platform and MEDIVEW BEACON Prehospital Health Information Exchange (HIE). These new telemedicine features are now available to all MEDIVIEW partners at no additional cost.
BLT also announced four initial telemedicine partners that are the first to interface with the MEDIVIEW ePCR and MEDIVIEW BEACON Prehospital Health Information Exchange, enabling agencies to activate any or all of them from inside the documentation program. In alphabetical order, these partners are General Devices (GD), Hippo Health, Pulsara, and VSee. These telemedicine partners cover the gamut of Mobile Medicine agency types and service levels, including public and private EMS, non-emergency medical transport (NEMT), hospital-based EMS, fire-based EMS, and Community Paramedicine / Mobile Integrated Health (CP/MIH). Mobile Medical agencies across the U.S., including several federal agencies, and even international centers of excellence such as Australia, now have access to telemedicine from inside an ambulance, and real-time sharing data to many of America’s largest hospitals and health information exchanges. A key benefit is augmenting agency operations during pandemic-related surges, when mobile resource utilization becomes extraordinary.
Data captured via the telemedicine encounter, including the telemedicine service utilized, the identity of the physician or nurse who offered clinical guidance, and any associated medical orders, can be transmitted to a destination facility (if transport is required after all) and made available for post-encounter quality assurance / continuous quality improvement (QA/CQI) review. These data can be reviewed in, and exported from, the MEDIVIEW BEACON Prehospital Health Information Exchange in as little as 30 seconds.
Curt Bashford, CEO at General Devices (GD):
“We pioneered telehealth technology for EMS and out of hospital patient care in the mid-1990’s. More recently, the convergence of powerful mobile devices and broadband wireless, coupled with our e-Bridge mobile telehealth app has made this a practical reality. Today with the COVID pandemic and new programs for treating patients in-place, like ET3 and MIH-CP, telehealth is a necessity. Integrating with Beyond Lucid Technologies’s MEDIVIEW platform is another example of responsive innovation making it easier for EMS and fire care providers to consult with their patients and distant physicians. What we call ‘simply smarter patient care.’”
Kevin McGarvey, MD, MBA, Co-Founder and CEO of Hippo Health:
“Our platform is easily connecting paramedics with virtual emergency physician teams to enable a comprehensive care experience in the home. As a physician owned and operated company, we are excited to partner with innovative EMS agencies with our zero-cost platform to shape the future of acute care delivery.”
Kris Kaull, critical care flight paramedic and Chief Marketing Officer of Pulsara:
“Historically, the only possibility was an immediate transport to the closest emergency department. The combination of telemedicine and a community paramedicine program unlocks options for the patient; allowing them to be treated at home, or in some cases, transported to a more appropriate, alternative destination.”
Milton Chen, PhD., Co-Founder and CEO of VSee:
“Due to COVID-19, almost every healthcare enterprise is doing telehealth. But most of them are actually taking a step backwards—they use tools like zoom to do video conferences, then discover these tools do not seamless wrap around their workflow—so their overhead increases. VSee + Beyond Lucid are creating the telehealth workflow that seamless blends into what EMS does – where we improve clinical outcomes while decreasing workload.”
Jonathon Feit, Co-Founder & Chief Executive of Beyond Lucid Technologies:
“The complexity of Mobile Medicine makes evolving our industry a team effort by definition. Beyond Lucid Technologies is therefore honored to join a network of creator-collaborators that understands harnessing the passion of our respective and overlapping agency partners will not only pop a ‘window into the ambulance’ — whether on the ground or in the air — for better clinical visibility and streamlined workflows. We will simultaneously show the impact and excitement of what becomes possible when we innovate toward a common heading.”