Mike Clumpner, PhD, MBA, NREMT-P
Mike Clumpner, PhD, MBA, NREMT-P, is a full-time fire battalion chief with the Charlotte (NC) Fire Department. Mike is also the President of Threat Suppression, Incorporated, a government consulting firm located in Charlotte. Mike is a 26-year career firefighter/paramedic and he served as a helicopter flight paramedic for nine years at a Level I trauma center. Mike is also a sworn law enforcement officer and has served on a metropolitan law enforcement agency's full-time SWAT team since 2010 as a SWAT operator and senior tactical paramedic. Mike is also clinical faculty at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County where he teaches critical care transport medicine. Mike has three undergraduate degrees, a Master's in Business Administration, and a Doctor of Philosophy in homeland security policy. Mike has spent 25,000 hours researching hostile, mass casualty events.