Pandemics Are a Team Sport – Understanding the Vital Role of EMS in Public Health Emergencies
The COVID-19 pandemic was a wake up to call to EMS agencies of all shapes and sizes. Questions about personal protective equipment, treatment protocols, transportation determinations and many other issues were asked and, sometimes, unanswered. Not many were truly prepared for it.
The question isn’t “if” but rather “when” the next society-altering pandemic will occur. Understanding the lessons-learned from the COVID-19 pandemic – as well as SARS, H1N1 and Ebola – including significant absenteeism, hospital diversions, decreased mutual aid resources, integration into the larger healthcare system, as well as resource allocations and prioritization are all elements of the changed reality EMS systems will face. EMS leadership needs to engage public health as a vital component in public health emergencies.
This presentation will review the history of various public health emergencies, how these situations challenge and impact EMS systems, planning and operational realities, and then conclude with what we should be doing right now to be prepared for the next one.
Panel of Experts
Raphael M. Barishansky, DrPH
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